Monday, 26 July 2010

Nevada Renewable Energy

I was down in Las Vegas to attend a nephew’s wedding (which is why no posts for a couple of days) and got a chance to pick up this local story on renewable energy.

It has been obvious to me that the state is the natural base for geothermal production with solar and wind as a bonus as it applies. Exporting this power first to California and then East is obvious.

The State needs to make it as important as gambling and mining in terms of political support. It is able to produce thousands of local jobs and will anchor Nevada’s economy for as long as these sources are competitive which is likely forever. Even fusion energy will want to get properly paid out however cheap it turns out to be.

In fact renewables do one thing well. They pay off their loans. Then they simply make money at a low cost base forever. No one can compete with a paid for windmill or a paid for geothermal plant or even paid for solar installations. Dams are exactly the same. The Aswan was paid off decades ago as was the Hoover Dam.

Nevada needs to create an energy transmission trust to accelerate industry growth whose mandate is to hook up new supplies and get it first to California. We are perhaps three to five years from an economic super conducting link into California. Anything permitted today will feed that connection.

To indicate just how important that will be consider that building a super conducting link from James Bay to New York will possibly double energy supply to New York. (I would love to have real numbers here by the way if you can help)

The initial build out will strengthen the local power base and it is a good bet the Hoover Dam will quickly switch to superconducting lines providing the needed trunk. The State needs to be part of all that.

In the meantime this item tells me they are all asleep as yet.

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Nevada shows powerful potential

But no one knows where political winds will blow


If Nevada’s voters don’t have strong opinions on renewable energy, they also don’t break one way or the other on whether offshore drilling should continue in the Gulf of Mexico following the BP oil spill.

Just under half — 48 percent — of voters in a new Review-Journal survey said they oppose a ban on offshore oil drilling in the gulf. Another 37 percent said they support a drilling moratorium, while 15 percent remained undecided.

Mason-Dixon Polling & Research of Washington, D.C., conducted the survey from Monday through Wednesday. A total of 625 registered voters were interviewed statewide by telephone. The margin of error is 4 percentage points.


Sure, Nevada's practically all desert, but in one area, the Silver State claims some of the greenest pastures on Earth.
For green-energy potential, few places beat Nevada.

But just how much potential the state offers will depend on a multitude of issues, including technological hurdles, financial obstacles and even political will. Some experts say renewables could completely displace fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas in Nevada's energy economy, while others assert the green-power movement is destined to peter out as the costs and inconveniences of such generation unfold.

Here's what is not up for debate: Nevada owns one of the country's biggest renewable bases. Unlike most states, Nevada offers major access to sunlight, hot springs and wind -- three key sources of green power.

Data from the federal Energy Information Administration show that nearly half of Nevada has enough sunlight to generate at least 6 kilowatt hours of solar power per square meter daily. Another sizeable chunk receives enough sun to yield 4 to 6 kilowatt hours per square meter every day.

Roughly half the state houses enough underground hot springs to produce at least 80 milliwatts of geothermal power per square meter, and about 25 percent of Nevada has enough wind to host utility-scale wind farms.

So rich is Nevada's renewable-power base that John White, executive director of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies in Sacramento, Calif., said it's conceivable the state eventually could derive all of its power from alternative sources, and send leftovers to surrounding states.

"Nevada is abundantly blessed with renewable-energy resources," White said. "There's no question Nevada has the potential to be completely reliant on renewable energy for its power needs, and to be a net exporter."

Nevada law requires power utility NV Energy to get 25 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025, up from 12 percent in 2010.

So, the state is already positioned for considerable growth beyond NV Energy's existing renewable portfolio of 1,200 megawatts, or 44 projects completed, planned or under construction. And that's not to mention the dozens of renewable projects in the state that are planned but contracted to sell power to the utility. The utility's 2009 conference for groups interested in offering renewable power to the company drew 240 attendees, so there's no shortage of interest in the state's green-power prospects.
But Nevada also has the goods to go national, becoming a distributor of renewable energy to other states, said David Hicks, NV Energy's director of renewable-energy procurement and technical services. Witness Sempra Generation's 58-megawatt Copper Mountain solar plant in Boulder City, which will serve California customers of Pacific Gas & Electric.

"It's clear the renewable potential in Nevada far exceeds the demand for it under the portfolio standard," Hicks said. "There is significant potential to export renewable generation outside the state."

Still, resources alone can't guarantee renewable development.

"It's certainly conceivable that we could fuel our entire (car) fleet from cellulosic sources and get all of our electricity from renewable energy, but the cost would be staggering, in consumer prices, in government support and in other conveniences, such as more variable supplies of power," said Jerry Taylor, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington, D.C.

For an idea of how tough it will be to replace existing capacity, Taylor said, consider the difficulty states have experienced meeting renewable-power mandates. Nevada's standard, which the Legislature passed in 2001, went unmet until NV Energy achieved the requirement for the first time in 2008. The utility missed the mark again in 2009. Company executives have blamed timing issues on the shortfall. And three big utilities in California will fall about two percentage points short of their 20 percent mandate by year's end.

But many of those portfolio deficits come from temporary travails, experts said. Get past those troubles, renewable advocates say, and green energy could really take off.

Consider financing. Before the real estate bust of two years ago, finding funding for construction of renewable plants was easier, Hicks said. Today, renewable developers have the same problems obtaining loans as any other sector is seeing, and that has made projects harder to finance. As the economy recovers, loans should pick up again, Hicks said.

And then there are transmission lines. Or rather, there aren't transmission lines. Many renewables originate in remote areas far from existing grids, so the power the projects generate is stranded, unable to make its way into power companies' portfolios. Taylor said that's the case in Texas, for example, where some wind turbines yield power that goes nowhere, simply because the farms don't link to transmission networks.

Planned transmission solutions here include NV Energy's One Nevada line (ONLine), a 235-mile connection that will link the utility to renewable generation in rural Nevada. ONLine is scheduled for completion by early 2013.

White said it would be relatively easy to beef up existing transmission corridors connecting Nevada to California, Arizona and other Western states so that regional players could develop and share resources ranging from hydroelectricity to wind to biomass.

Technological barriers also could curb renewables' potential in Nevada. Solar arrays need water -- the Solar Energy Industries Association estimates an average of 20 gallons per megawatt hour -- for everything from cooling exhaust steam to cleaning photovoltaic panels.

The demand for water could be a big impediment in parched, arid Nevada, though developers more recently have proposed solar plants that cool exhaust steam with air rather than water. As for washing panels, plants can use brackish or reclaimed water, White said.

Other technological obstacles could prove more enduring. The sun will always set, and the wind will always stop. That means a constant need for fossil fuel-generated backup power, Taylor noted, and the power-grid whiplash resulting from a sudden cloudburst over a solar plant could cause brownouts or blackouts as the quick change in power sources shocks the system.

The intermittent nature of renewables is especially an issue with wind farms. Wind typically blows most intensely during midwinter nights, rendering it useless during peak-power periods on hot summer days, Taylor said.

Also likely to stick around are permitting issues. Renewable plants must obtain federal or state approval in a licensing process that can take years. Complying with the National Environmental Policy Act can create uncertainties for projects, as the environmental impact review could either turn up few problems or uncover development killers such as the presence of an en dangered species, Hicks said.

Uncertainties also surround federal subsidies that make today's renewable power economically viable. Many tax credits, grants and loan guarantees are set to expire in the next three years or so, which would leave renewable projects without the funding that makes them economically competitive with conventional energy sources. But White said improving technologies will reduce the costs of renewable power, and that should enable green projects to get built with less funding in the long run.

The great unknown is whether the political will exists to stick with energy forms that can cost two to four times as much as conventional sources. A Mason-Dixon poll conducted for the Review-Journal doesn't show major voter sentiment in either direction, with 47 percent of Nevada voters saying they would like to keep Nevada's renewable portfolio standard and 39 percent saying the Legislature should repeal the mandate. Another 14 percent were undecided. The margin of error is 4 percentage points.

"As long as voters reward politicians for keeping these programs in place, then renewable-energy preferences, such as subsidies and mandates, will continue regardless of how renewables perform," Taylor said.

Still, Taylor said federal research shows renewables have a long way to go before they replace fossil fuels in the nation's energy makeup, so they are unlikely to dominate any individual state's energy profile. If all existing subsidies continue in perpetuity, renewable energy would rise to just 12.4 percent of electricity production by 2035, the Energy Information Administration projected.

"There's a tremendous amount of overstatement regarding what will happen in the future given current policy trends," Taylor said. "You need truly Herculean changes in the law to see anything close to what politicians talk about. Consumers would have to pay higher prices and be more vulnerable to dislocations on the grid."

But don't confuse the nation's renewable outlook with Nevada's, White responded. Follow serious conservation efforts with a "sustained and orderly build-out" of renewable capacity, and Nevada could get all of its electricity from green power by 2050, he said.

"There are challenges to renewable energy, but there are no show-stoppers."

Contact reporter Jennifer Robison at or 702-380-4512.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Black Eyed Tales of Faerie

The problem I have with apparent stories of the paranormal is that they are also magnets for fiction writers who swiftly grab the imagery and embellish it all. Worse, we have exactly one eye witness which is unlikely and when others might be available, they seem to be blind.

This makes the application of my methodology impossible and it is reasonable to conclude this is all a hoax.

However, what we can do is give them the benefit of a doubt for a moment or two.

I note that this particular phenomenon arose first rather recently in 1998. This article surveys the data a decade later and provides a base line.

I generally class these types of events that also include the ‘men in black’ and ET with his large black eyes and must also include all of faerie from the past as possibly waking dreams. Somehow when one is possibly on autopilot, the subconscious intrudes with a dream creation whose form is often shaped by other similar tales. Had the witnesses had these events while clearly asleep, they would have simply been dismissed as dreams and forgotten. No one gets exercised over dream interpretation these days.

After saying that, the one item that intrudes of import that has my attention is the presence of solid black eyes. These have an explanation that is far too compelling. This is the key artificial adaptation necessary for space adapted humanity presently living in space habitats. Their bodies all appear to be at least trim and they maximize cover or at least that seems to be implied. Fashion is not understood and many other nuances are forgone. They appear to also be generally unseen in the normal course of daily traffic suggesting technical means.

All this implies an ongoing presence of field operatives who are among us. The individual operator may be here quite briefly and does not become acclimatized at all as noted from the interaction. There obviously could be thousands flowing in and out every day for a range of reasons including tourism.

I suspect that activity may becoming somewhat more open and even visible because it is expected that we will soon be accessing space with our own magnetic exclusion vessels. (MEV) They may not care too much anymore because they see the end is nigh.

Are Black-Eyed Beings Walking Among Us?

By Ted Twietmeyer


This is perhaps one of the strangest topics which scores about a 20 + on the weirdness scale of 1 to 10.

First, we should take a brief look at some of the characteristics of the human eye as to what's normal and what isn't. The white part of a human eye is called the sclera, which comprises 5/6 of the outer surface of the eye. The sclera is a very thin tissue made of several layers, with a total thickness varying between .3mm and 1mm thick depending on where on the eye it's measured.

I should mention here for reference later that human eyes are filled with a clear, gelatinous material known as the vitreous humor. This material must be crystal-clear to permit the unobstructed passage of light from the rear of the lens to the retina. Some people have "floaters" in their eyes, which are minerals or crystals and may cause strange glints of light when in a brightly lit area.

Regardless of race, most healthy humans have a white color (or nearly white) sclera. Other life-forms such as horses, dogs, lizards etc often have a dark brown or black sclera.


Fig.1 This child is not a black-eyed being but has a curable illness. The bluish-black sclera in his eyes is a rare disease called alkaptonuria. This child also had black urine as another symptom. He was placed on ascorbic acid and a low protein diet to reverse the condition. However, the sclera does not turn pitch black with this disease. This disease strikes about 1:250,000 and can be treated by diet and drugs. [1]

Health problems such as liver problems or a particular vitamin or diet deficiency can also cause the sclera to become yellow. The sclera can also become yellow in the elderly as a product of fat deposits.

There are special drugs in the form of eye-drops which doctors and researchers use that temporarily cause the white sclera of the eye to become transparent. This permits a doctor or researcher to directly view the retina using off-axis (side view) imaging for diagnosing eye disease, without the limited viewing the retina through the lens and cornea structures of the eye. There is no long- lasting effect from temporarily making the sclera transparent. After a period of time the drug dissipates and the surface of the eye returns to its normal white color.


Are there beings or people among us whose sclera, pupils and iris are completely BLACK? We will refer to them as beings, because at this time we really don't know who or what they are. There are numerous eye witness accounts of people like this in almost every location you can imagine, and from many corners of the Earth. We will look at some of those accounts later.

Below are some common characteristics of black-eyed beings I've discovered from examining eyewitness testimony:

* Sometimes the adult or child dresses in attire to fit into the local population, but odd variations can also cause the black-eyed person to stand out. Eyewitness accounts have stated that the clothing is either overly neat as though they are from a by-gone era, or have strange color combinations.

* Black-eyed beings may dress in black or dark clothes

* When black-eyed children approach adults they do not act shy like normal children. Instead, they are often quite forceful about what they want from the adult and may try to intimidate or persuade. These children may be verbally forceful in demanding entry into a home or a vehicle on a public street, but apparently they do not become physical.

* Evil is a common characteristic that eyewitnesses often sense from both black-eyed children and adult beings. However, this feeling is not experienced by every eyewitness.

* In public places such as restaurants or airport gate waiting areas, often people will not sit anywhere near them especially after making eye contact.

* It is possible that some (or all) of these beings do not have a home, and are roaming the Earth endlessly. One eyewitness who was alone with a man in an elevator late at night asked him where he was going. His curt response was "NOWHERE!"

* These beings have been reported by people world-wide, and are not known to originate from any particular location on Earth.

* One eyewitness was in an elevator with a black-eyed being. The following day he checked a security camera videotape but it did not record the presence of the black-eyed being in the elevator. Only the eyewitness was seen alone on the videotape.

* A common occurrence among children with black eyes is to ask permission to enter a vehicle or a home. Apparently there are certain laws these beings must follow, such as being invited in. What's interesting is that this law requiring permission is known to apply to supernatural evil, such as demons. If laws ruling supernatural interference did not exist, then all of humankind would be in utter chaos and terror, and society could never develop to the level of what it is today.

* Solid form - unlike ghosts or other disembodied entities, eyewitness accounts have not spoken of transparency. These black- eyed beings appear to be solid and can speak verbally, although this does not negate a supernatural origin.

* Some accounts indicate that at least some of these beings have olive colored skin.

* Eyewitness accounts of these beings often take place at night or inside buildings. Perhaps they cannot tolerate direct sunlight.

* Black-eyed adults could be related to the "Men in black" (MIB) who have also appeared with pitch black eyes to intimidate UFO witnesses. MIB often appeared to those who make it past a close encounter of the first kind. There haven't been any new accounts of MIB visits in recent years that I know of. Perhaps these black- eyed beings are of the same race as the MIB, who may now be unemployed.

Many years ago we had a relative who was an albino (now deceased.) An albino is the result of a genetic mutation that prevents pigment generation anywhere in the body. Her skin was extremely light, almost white but slightly pink as a result of no pigmentation to fully cover the fine blood vessels. Her hair was always white even when she was quite young. The sclera of her eyes was basically devoid of all white color, resulting in a pinkish-red color from the coloring of blood vessels in the thin sclera. However, she did not normally wear glasses as her vision was close to normal. This is mentioned here to show that human beings who are albino would be at the far opposite end of the spectrum from black-eyed beings.

In black-eyed beings, apparently the sclera is black as well as the pupil and iris. Witnesses are probably not seeing the retina directly. Humans have the classic red-eye in photographs as a result of flash photography. To see into the eye of a black-eyed being would probably require a similar intense on-axis light source. However, if eyewitnesses can actually see a black retina as some have claimed, then the retina of these beings must absorb light even better than the eyes of human beings.

Late at night in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle on a highway deer, opossums and other animals have eyes (retinas) have a green or red color. This is a retro-reflection from the animal's retina. It is similar to how a reflector on a bicycle or driveway marker reflector works. Human beings have a non-reflective retina, reflecting back only about 1% of the light that enters the eye.

One might dismiss these strange black-eyed people as a rare genetic mutation, except for one simple fact that apparently no one talks about If both the sclera is black AND the vitreous humor inside the eye is black as well, these beings would almost certainly have to be blind since no light could reach the retina through black vitreous humor.


Below are some relevant excerpts from several very lengthy eyewitness accounts.
(A note here to the grammar nit-pickers: There are grammatical, typographical errors and other problems in these accounts, but these statement extracts have been retained as the eyewitness has written them to avoid changing any intended meaning. I have added a few statements in parentheses for clarity. If I've made errors myself in this essay, forget about it!)


A lady named Adele was at home when two boys knocked on her door at 11PM at night. What follows is a verbatim excerpt from her testimony. After a long introduction Adele began to describe the boy's details:

"He was young boy of about 17 or 18, approximately," Tee says. "He asked me about an open apartment for rent. I remember feeling very scared and shaken by his appearance. He did not look weird by his dress or such. It was his eyes. I remember feeling the hair on my neck stand up, and I was shaking just from looking in his eyes."

Like Chris, Tee also felt that deep sense of malevolence. "I could not look him straight in the eyes," she says. "I felt like I was about to die. Now, some people may think that I was just over- reacting or something, but the eyes were completely black like there was no real pupil. He spoke normally to me, but I had to just shut the door in his face and get as far from him as I could. I felt like I was in extreme danger." [2]

(What might have happened to Adele if these children were allowed entry into her home?)


In this incident which took place in Abilene, Texas, a journalist was in his parked car late at night writing a check to pay an internet bill at a drop box when two children approached him for help, knocking on his car window. They were asking for a ride home to retrieve money from their mother to see a popular movie, at the movie theater close to the parked vehicle. What made this event highly unusual to the witness was that these children asked for a ride home when the final showing of the film was already half over. The following is a verbatim excerpt from his account. One of the two boys is identified as the "the spokesman" by the eyewitness. He is the only boy who talked during the discussion. When the eyewitness was reluctant to let the boys into his car they persisted. Here are his words:

"C'mon, mister. Let us in. We can't get in your car until you do, you know," the spokesman said soothingly.

(Note the child was apparently following the unspoken law that permission must be granted first as indicated by the statement "We can't get in your car until you do, you know." The testimony continues)

"Just let us in, and we'll be gone before you know it. We'll go to our mother's house." We locked eyes. To my horror, I realized my hand had strayed toward the door lock (which was engaged) and was in the process of opening it. I pulled it away, probably a bit too violently. But it did force me to look away from the children. I turned back. "Er ... Um ...," I offered weakly and then my mind snapped into sharp focus.

For the first time I noticed their eyes. They were coal black. No pupil. No iris. Just two staring orbs reflecting the red and white light of the marquee. At that point, I know my expression betrayed me. The silent one had a look of horror on his face in a combination that seemed to indicate: A) The impossible had just happened and we've been found out!" The spokesman, on the other hand, wore a mask of anger. His eyes glittered brightly in the half- light. "Cmon, mister," he said. "We won't hurt you. You have to LET US IN. We don't have a gun."

That last statement scared the living hell out of me, because at that point by his tone he was plainly saying, "We don't NEED a gun." He noticed my hand shooting down toward the gear shift. The spokesman's final words contained an anger that was complete and whole, and yet contained in some respects a tone of panic:
I ripped the car into reverse (thank goodness no one was coming up behind me) and tore out of the parking lot.

(Question is - do these boys actually have a home? What might have happened to the eyewitness IF they were allowed entry into his vehicle?)


In another work-for-word account a black-eyed man boarded a commercial airliner. Apparently some sort of mind control was being used, as flight attendants and the captain all saw different colors in this same man's eyes, including pitch black:

I glanced up just in time to see a late arriving passenger, noting his well-appointed leather jacket, pants and shoes all were nice complimentary shades of brown. His haircut was in the European cut with tendrils on the nape, instead of the precise American haircut. I froze as I looked into his eyes. They were black in entirety. He looked European or a light Arabian. I don't remember seeing the white part of his eyes.

Flight attendant continues) That man is very scary, I am so afraid. I was very frightened too, ready to pee my pants. I laid my arm on the door ledge and watch out the porthole and wondered if we would survive this trip. The feeling was unanimous with the other girls and we were on total edge. I was pondering why each of us thought his eyes were a different color.

(Later in the flight she describes the man's eyes) We were so distressed that the Captain put on his hat to come out for a look. That passenger closed his eyes and appeared to be sleeping. We landed without ado and matter of fact, the airplane emptied in world record time about 2-3-minutes. This man was coming and the Captain was saying goodbye. I refused and hopped back into the galley. I whispered, "Here he comes and I watched the Captain as all the color drained from his face, when the man passed out the door. The captain said, WOW...whoa that was a strange man!

(If this black-eyed man was not human, how did he obtain a boarding pass?)


Here is another verbatim extract from a story about a strange man seen in an elevator in a bank building, as told by the bank executive who worked late that evening:

I found to my surprise that a few people have had similar experiences regarding people with pitch-black eyes. Unlike some, though, I didn't feel a sense of dread or a feeling that I was about to die. I felt more an awareness and discomfort, like when you see someone advance angrily toward you only to walk past you.

Anyway, it was September 2, 2000, and one of the roles as an executive is you sometimes have to put in really late nights. My office was on the fifth floor and it was coming up to 12 in the morning. I was the only employee, as far as I know, on the first five floors apart from Ben, another fellow banker on my floor and Stan, who is a security officer.

(He continues after a lengthy introduction) The elevator stops at floor 2 and in comes a tall man with more or less a black crew-cut. The first thing I did was open my mouth to ask what sector he was from and who gave him permission, but as I looked into his eyes they where entirely black. The pupils, the retinas everything. I remember not really being spooked about his eyes. To be honest, I just thought he might've had a disability in his eyes. As the elevator slowly starts up moving back on route, he asked me where I was going, and I simply replied, "home." He then asked why, and I more or less laughed and just said I want to go to sleep and see my wife. He then just mummered very softly, like he was talking to himself, "It must be nice to have a home."

I figured he was just being friendly and that he must be renting. As we got to B1, I realized he hadn't pushed the button on where he was going, so I asked, "Where are you going?" to which he replied rather angrily looking at me with his creepy eyes, "Nowhere."

(At this point, the eyewitness stated he ran to his car. When he looked behind him, he noticed the strange man in the elevator did not get out. He continues on with his account)

Now the real freaky part. As I drove down the street, all the lights were out - and this is in Sydney (city of NSW). Then I turn... and guess who is walking just ahead of the car - our favorite black-eyed man! No need to say, I sped home, probably breaking five road laws. How could he have left the building and be ahead of me when he had no car, and went up to floor 6?

It gets weirder. On the videotapes and records, there shows no one using the elevator at that time apart from me.


Witness begins her statement that it was a nice sunny day in November and she had been out running some errands. No country, state or city is given but it may have be in the United States. Although it was November, the black-eye being wore no coat or jacket. Perhaps this took place in the southern United States:

I got my tea, headed out the door, had to stop and organize myself as my keys migrated to the bottom of the purse and I still had to get my wallet in! So I plopped the stuff down on an open table and tried to get my act together. I felt like I was being watched, so turned around to give whatever
to the perv that I assumed was watching me, and the smart aleck remark died in my mouth as I caught sight of him and made (inadvertent) eye contact.

I should note here: I did not see anything unusual in his manner of dress. Jeans, black shirt, lightweight black jacket, (no hat, no overcoat) not unusual dress. His hair was almost black, but didn't look any darker than my boyfriend's hair (boyfriend is of Japanese descent). His skin tone was a bit olive and pale but not overly so. It was the eyes and the aura, coming off of him that scared me.

The eyes, blacker than black, no white at all, wall to wall black, and I just felt a darkness around him, an evil. As I looked in his eyes, I somehow KNEW that was not a human soul occupying that body, and I felt that he knew that I knew that he was not human.

Interesting side note: three open tables around the table "he" was sitting at, were empty, and stayed empty. People would just come out the door, look in that direction, and leave. No one would sit near "him".

I got the feeling that "he" was amused by this. That he could keep humanity away and he was challenging me, "Are you going to run away too?" My reply was "I am leaving because I was planning on leaving." (All this was telepathic.)


A woman and her husband stopped at their usual rest stop in Michigan on the way to their second home for a short vacation. Below is an excerpt from her account:

My husband and I were on our way up north on I-75 during the afternoon. Luckily, it was not at our normal time in the evening. We have a little place in northern lower Michigan, and often go up there for the weekends. As was our custom, we pulled in at our usual rest stop, and I went into the women's restroom.

As I was preparing to leave the room, I suddenly noticed a thin, dark-haired woman standing alone and starring directly at me. I instantly felt a terrible
sense of dread, as though there was something deeply unnatural about her. I then noticed the eyes which had been staring coldly at me, and they were completely black. I saw no color whatsoever, and no pupils. I felt an extremely strong need to get away from her as quickly as possible, as there was something quietly threatening about her. Her stare was devoid of any emotion other than something very cold and disconnected.

My instant and unwavering feeling during this whole experience was that she was not human. I don't know what me made feel this so strongly, but it was my most singular, strongest sense while looking at her. There also was something almost predatory about her, as though she was homing in on prey while she stood there so still. I also had a strange sense of her feeling superior or stronger in some way. Again, the sense of a predator watching its prey.

I left as quickly as possible, showing as little reaction to her as possible. It seemed important, for some unknown reason, for me to act unaffected by her while in her presence. I felt a huge sense of relief as I got back into the car and left. I have to say that this was one of the most memorable brief experiences I've ever had around a person, especially a stranger. I have never been able to shake the unexplainable feeling that she wasn't human.


Here is yet another verbatim extract from a sighting in Encinitas, California:

(After her introduction she continues) I work at the local YMCA as a youth counselor, one night as I sat in the parking lot clearing room on the seat next to me for my friend to sit down this kid comes up to the side of the car, immediately as this kid gets near us we can tell something is wrong, my friend just hopped into the back of the car and we lock all the doors. The kid didn't say anything, but before I realized it I had rolled down the window, when I got a closer look at the kid I was alarmed at how young he looked, I'd say about 7-10 years old.

He was your average very blonde white kid, pale skin, but he gave off a terrible aura of bad things. He told me to let him in the car, never giving a reason, I was compelled by some force to open the door, but my friend kept telling me "there's no more room" The kid began to repeat this phrase back, sounding very angry. "NO MORE ROOM, NO MORE ROOM" at this point he and I made eye contact, I saw that his eyes were fully black, no whites to
them at all. He grabbed my arm through the window, and dug his fingernails into my forearm, his skin was cold. I shoved him from the window and shouted "THERE'S NO MORE ROOM" and slammed my foot on the accelerator. We drove over the curb and flattened a bush before leaving the parking lot, as we sped towards my friend's house we saw this kid twice, once at a fruit stand, and again at a red light.

(Two days later another black-eyed child appears outside the eyewitness's home)

We go back to watching the movie when there is a knock on the door. Not just one or two, but a knock that you get when someone is angry with you, like when the government comes in all the movies. I look out the peephole and see no one, so I opened the door. Standing there is a teenage kid, pale skin, jet black hair. I ask him if he needs help, and he told me he needed a telephone. This kid looks fairly straight-edge, he looks like the type you can trust, I get no bad aura from him, and I'm about to let him in when I notice his eyes. Deep black, just like the kid in the parking lot. I slam the door in his face, and look out the peephole, I still see no one through it. [3]


Are all of these eyewitness accounts fiction?

This seems unlikely as those who wrote them were not seeking fame or fortune, so what could possibly be a motive to fabricate these stories? Most likely, there are thousands or tens of thousands of these sightings but most people haven't taken the time to document them, or know where they can be posted.

There are common characteristics to each of these eyewitness accounts of something that often triggers a human innate sense of evil, fear, night time appearances, a certain peculiar forcefulness and sometimes a sense of terror of the unknown.

Perhaps these black-eyed beings are one of the 63 races visiting Earth (this was the last total known according to a retired Air Force officer friend of mine.) Or maybe these beings have the ability to come and go from another dimension that co-exists with ours, which is hopefully not hell.

If these black-eyed beings are not human but are inter-dimensional, alien or of supernatural origin it might explain why they do not appear on a video recording in at least one case. Yet these beings are real, physically exist and communicate with people according to eyewitness accounts. recently sent out a request for additional eyewitness testimony to almost 1,000 volunteers who are signed up with the website. It is still a bit too early to tell if anyone in the list has encountered these beings, or if they will share their story.

Herman Melville once said, "The eye is the gateway to the soul." If the eye of these beings really is completely black, then this might be an ominous message about who these beings are.

Here are a few parting positive thoughts:

Edward R. Murrow "The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer."

Bill Cosby - "Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing."

Daryl Ryman "Your mind is your best camera . . . Go out and take some beautiful pictures."

And finally

"Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different."
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Winner of the 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine

At this point in time, I'm not categorically saying black-eyed beings exist. Time will tell. If you have experienced seeing one of these beings, please write me with all the details you can remember including city, state and country. Names will be withheld.

We'll include your story anonymously in an update if sufficient feedback from readers is received, or new evidence is discovered.

Ted Twietmeyer
© 2008

[1] dv05060.pdf

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Focus Fusion Update

depend on secondary devices working in the protocol environment. See my many postings on the topic focus fusion.

Let us be serious. We are witnessing a real creditable effort to produce fusion power that is arguably plausible.

AUGUST 09, 2010

Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP) is trying to achieve commercial nuclear fusion.

LPP is trying to get up to 100,000 joules in each pulse. 60 such pulses would be 6 million joules per second, which if converted at with only about 20% loss would be equal to a 5 megawatt generator. The generator would cost about $200,000 and enable power to be generated 50 times cheaper than today.
1. The first good news is that, with the Lexan insulators and tungsten pins, the spark plugs have lasted through over 200 shots without breaking

2. the amount of current we are producing per firing capacitor has improved. We have achieved 1 MA at 27 kV with only 8 capacitors firing, something that required all 12 capacitors with the old spark plugs. We believe that the large size of the tungsten pins and the better distribution of current has reduced the inductance of the switches and led to the increase in current, which makes us more confident that we can reach the design current for FF-1 of 2.8 MA.

3. Despite careful adjustment of the spark gaps, the simultaneity of firing with the new spark plugs is worse than with the old ones, and on average, only five switches are firing on the trigger. We believe we know the cause and cure of this problem. We have ordered this new power supply, which will increase the charging voltage on the trigger from 20 to 40 kV and will arrive near the end of August. We think that by doubling the rate of rise of the trigger pulse, we will be able to get the trigger voltage up to at least 20 kV before it shorts. That, together with the capacitor voltage of 30 kV, should get us to the 50 kV needed to fire all of the switches together. Another Dense Plasma Fusion project in Las Vegas is working reliably with higher voltages. The best switches cost a lot and are complicated to maintain. On the other hand, spark gap switches (our kind) with much higher trigger voltages—120 kV vs our current 20 kV—have been made to function reliably recently
From these numbers, we can calculate the product n^2V (where n is density and V is volume) for both the electrons and the ions. Both numbers are the same, 1.1+-0.1x10^35/cm^3. This is a strong indication that the X-rays and neutrons come from the same plasma, the plasmoid. It is also a good indication of how our instruments are designed to supplement and confirm each other, so that every measurement we take will be checked by at least two instruments

Monday, 5 July 2010

Marc Thiessen on Waterboarding

I have recently read Marc Thiessen’s recent book ‘Courting Disaster’ and think every citizen should become familiar with its contents in the same way every one is familiar with the effectiveness of a rifle.

Enhanced interrogation methodology won the war against the terrorists for the past several years because it provided clinical methodology that forced captured terrorist leaders to disgorge their knowledge freely. We imagine these methods from our knowledge of past horrors conducted by amateurs. The difference is night and day.

And yes, we have the need and the right to acquire actionable intelligence from an enemy. That we can do it without killing or maiming him must be considered a huge improvement over the past. That alone should mean that the methods can in fact be used more freely. Or do we go back to pulling finger nails off with pliers. The argument that it should not be done at all fits right in with not conducting war at all because it is wrong. No one ever bothers to tell the enemy.

Today we face an enemy who is not fighting our soldiers at all. He is engaged in killing women and children in large numbers with combatants mostly a sideshow. He is not a legal enemy combatant as a state sponsored soldier is. As Thiessen makes clear our defense is mostly to make a captured leader talk.

Waterboarding has been catching bad press. Here the argument that it is somewhat different than that given to soldiers in training is specious. The purpose of the training is to make the soldier understand his personal limits and not to break him. The purpose with a detainee is to break him as fast as possible and waterboarding has proven irresistible. Its power is that the subject, however prepared is unable to convince his body to not respond with panic and abject overwhelming fear.

Yet it does not damage or kill. The subject is soon unable to further resist however tough they are.

As I have stated, while torture relies on pain and progressive physical damage to overcome subject resistance, these methods rely on overcoming the subject’s ability to manage fear without any real damage at all. In that state the subject ultimately submits to his captors and becomes fully cooperative.

It is torture, but a form unlike any other previously practiced ineffectually. This method makes the subject lose control over his ability to resist. It also provides timely actionable intelligence. The maximum that a subject has held out is fifteen days.

I will go a little further. The method of weatherboarding needs to be applied immediately on capture to any non cooperative enemy combatant by trained specialists. This may seem to be harsh, but it is not. Ninety nine percent cannot stand it for more than a couple of minutes and seconds would be more like it. They are instantly rendered cooperative and begin babbling all they have. Another reason for this to be in the field is that soldiers will improvise if deemed necessary as they always have and that is a bad choice.

All other methods are potentially way more damaging and they tie up resources and sooner or later cost lives. Intelligence in actual combat is needed as soon as possible, not days later. In fact, once you have someone for a few hours, his usefulness is very low unless he is special in some way.

This book is about strategic information which can be largely gathered from actual leaders and does he not consider field intelligence.

Marc Thiessen and the Dishonest Waterboarding Debate

Posted by MICHAEL SCHERER Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 9:30 am

"We waterboarded in the CIA--the CIA waterboarded three terrorists. Just three. Nobody was waterboarded at Guantanamo. You know who else the U.S. has waterboarded? Tens of thousands of American service members during their SERE training."
--Marc Thiessen, former White House speechwriter on CNN, January 20, 2010
In late January, the former Bush Administration speechwriter Marc Thiessen, who has since become a Washington Post columnist, appeared on Christiane Amanpour's CNN show to discuss harsh waterboarding. He made a splash.
Mid-interview, Thiessen pulled out a transcript of a previous Amanpour report in which the CNN host had compared the U.S. practice of waterboarding to a water torture practice used by the genocidal regime of Pol Pot. "There have been so many misstatements made about the enhanced interrogation techniques, comparing them to the Spanish Inquisition and the Khmer Rouge, and I have to tell you Christiane you are one of the people who have spread these mistruths." Amanpour's journalistic failing, according to Thiessen, was a report in which Amanpour had visited a former Khmer Rouge prison, looked at a painting in which a prisoner was submerged in a "box of water," and then asked someone if they knew that this technique had been used on U.S. terror suspects. In other words, Amanpour had gotten the details of the CIA version of waterboarding wrong. CIA interrogators never used a box of water when they waterboarded.
Thiessen was right, and he can be applauded for pointing out the distinction. But then what are we to make of the fact that just a few minutes later, on the very same CNN show, Thiessen clearly committed the same error? As he has before and since, Thiessen claimed that the waterboarding of U.S. terror suspects was not so bad because the technique has been used on "tens of thousands" of U.S. servicemen in training. Now, Thiessen knows the CIA program inside and out. He has written a book on it. And it seems inconceivable to me that he did not know he is clearly misrepresenting the waterboarding techniques that the CIA used.
The Bush-era Justice Department, the same agency that approved the techniques, admitted as much, as my former colleague Mark Benjamin notes in a story today for Salon describing in detail the CIA waterboarding process.
The CIA's waterboarding was "different" from training for elite soldiers, according to the Justice Department document released last month. "The difference was in the manner in which the detainee's breathing was obstructed," the document notes. In soldier training, "The interrogator applies a small amount of water to the cloth (on a soldier's face) in a controlled manner," DOJ wrote. "By contrast, the agency interrogator ... continuously applied large volumes of water to a cloth that covered the detainee's mouth and nose."
There were other differences. The SERE training program used water. The CIA program used saline solution, because the duration and volume of water was so intense that CIA doctors feared the detainees would die of hyponatremia. Benjamin continues:
While Bush-Cheney officials defended the legality and safety of waterboarding by noting the practice has been used to train U.S. service members to resist torture, the documents show that the agency's methods went far beyond anything ever done to a soldier during training. U.S. soldiers, for example, were generally waterboarded with a cloth over their face one time, never more than twice, for about 20 seconds, the CIA admits in its own documents.
As I have said before, I think it is a good thing that Marc Thiessen wants to keep the debate over harsh interrogation going. These are hard issues, and I do not think they have been fully digested by the American people. For instance, I think most people have still not fully understood that some of the worst pain inflicted on prisoners came not from the waterboarding, but from the CIA policy of forced sleep deprivation by stress position for as long as seven consecutive days during periods of extended caloric limitation. But I remain disappointed with the quality of Thiessen's arguments, which seem to be designed more for cable news soundbites than for serious discussion. I wish he held himself to a higher standard.
The full CNN clip follows below.

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